Wishing she could swim :)

Wishing she could swim :)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Just Keep Swimming. 9/7/15

Hey everybody! So this week went by so fast, but a lot has happened. 

On Tuesday we had transfer meeting and I got transferred to Staten Island, NY. I love it here! Haha, at the beginning of my mission this is the one area I did not want to serve in. But it's great! It is kind of a mixture of city&island life. We have a car and we live in an old hotel building that has been converted into apartments. Haha, it's a little weird. But the week before I got here they got rid of the bedbugs in the apartment! Wahoo! I'm praying I won't have to deal with that during my time here. 

My companion's name is Sister Ashlyn Lybbert. She's such a sweetheart! She came on her mission from Colorado, but is really from Georgia. She's been out for about 8ish months I think. We get along pretty great. It's only been a week but we are doing super well and there hasn't been a day that I haven't felt the spirit testify through me. 

We taught a lot of lessons this week, which is a change from the past weeks here. So that's been a miracle! We also were led to a few different people who God prepared for us to find! So amazing!

It's kind of weird how happy I am. I'm grateful to be here. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve in Staten Island! 

When people ask me how long I've been out, and when I'm going home, they always ask if I'm excited to go home. I am excited to hug my mom, but I'm also sad knowing my time here is short. So, I'm just making the most of it. 

Love always, 

Sister Samantha Tenney ❤

Oh yeah, my new home address is: 

80 Richmond Hill Road Apt 1K
Staten Island, NY 10314 

-I wouldn't send anything but letters to that address though.
Love ya! 

Oh yeah, This morning we worked out and then walked along the beach so here are a bunch of pictures. My companion was really freaked/grossed out that I picked the sea creature up. But hey, I'm at one with the ocean. :) 

The other pictures are as follows: 
-me and some new elder from WHS that knows Megan and the Jennings, Devon I think
- a little boy who was left outside of the deli while his mom was buying stuff. Haha I couldn't believe it
- Manhattan from the Staten Island ferry 
-a selfie with sister Lybbert in our CAR 
-my first Sunday in SI 
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Goodbye Richmond Hill. 8/31/15

Hello everybody. 

Well I'm officially leaving Richmond Hill, NY. Transfer calls were this morning; I am leaving and Sister Shiobara will be staying here for the next six weeks before she flys out to Bermuda next transfer. 

I don't know where I will be going, or who my companion is. But I'll pack up my stuff and go to transfer meeting tomorrow-and then they'll let me know. So, that's pretty exciting! 

I'm sad to say goodbye to all of the great people in Richmond Hill. But I can honestly say I left this area better than I found it and I'm happy with the work I've put into the area for the past seven and half months. 

This past week was kind of a series of strange events.. But it worked itself out. 
-We braided Sister Springer's hair, she's 91 years old.
-Cleaned out a woman's home. She's in our branch and she struggles with hoarding. 
-Attended/ushered a funeral at our church building. 
-Denise White was baptized yesterday and I wasn't too impressed with how the meeting was conducted. 
 -Saw some famous people. Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. 
-Watched a Casino tour bus run into an apartment building. 

Everything's great. I'll probably have a lot more to report on next week. But thanks for all of your love and support. 

-Sister Samantha Tenney ❤
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Tongue is my least favorite food. 8/24/15

Hey everybody! 

This week started out pretty good.. on Tuesday/Wednesday I was on exchanges in Rego Park with Hermana Van Valkenburg! We had so much fun! I had a blast. We came out together but she was in the Mexico MTC because she's a Spanish missionary. We will be flying home together and it's comforting to know that I'm actually doing pretty good compared to a lot of other missionaries that go home with me. I feel like I'm staying focused and still working hard.. So, all is well. 

During our exchange I spoke major Spanglish to all the people in Corona. It's like little South America. Everyone there is Hispanic. I love it! Haha I just love walking down the streets being  like 5 inches taller than the average male. I feel so safe. It's not like East New York where I'm the littlest/weakest. 

We taught quite a few lessons and it definitely made me miss my amigos in Riverhead! Everyone was mostly humble, but even the prideful will let you into their house. After a lesson with a woman from Honduras a member bought us tacos con la lingua. (You can see the tastebuds by the way). I was having a super hard time swallowing it. Haha I do not like cow tongue and I don't miss that part of Spanish life. But I had to eat it, the member that bought it is super super poor-so I did what I had to do. 

Being away was fun while it lasted but Richmond Hill is where I belong. At least for the next week.. Transfers are next week and honestly I will be a little shocked if I'm here for a sixth transfer. But whatever the Lord sees fit eh? 

On Friday we had Sisters Conference with the entire mission. That was great! I don't know if other missions do that for their sisters but I'm glad ours does! We had a few different workshops and most of them focused on Christ and the enabling power of the Atonement. Haha and I need that a lot! I loved the conference. Usually I wouldn't be too keen on spending all day with 79 other Sister Missionaries-but I felt like the spirit was teaching me in every single workshop. And plus, I got to see my homies Sister Cox, Vandertoolen, Jones and Ewell. :) 

Saturday we met with Shabana Sahir. She's doing great! She's progressing and is still excited to be baptized on the 30th-next Sunday- so we're doing everything on our part to help her be ready when the day comes! There will be three baptisms (hopefully) on Sunday, so if it is my last one here in Richmond Hill, it'll be awesome! 

God is Good! He loves Richmond Hill a lot and I'm really grateful I've got to serve 5 transfers here. 

I feel like I'm continuing to grow and learn. I've been thinking a lot about what has changed me the most over the course of my mission -I'd say (besides the atonement or doctrine of Christ) it has been diligent and spiritual study of the scriptures assisted by sincere prayer. 

I've seen a lot of amazing changes happen here in New York- but the greatest change I've seen is in myself. 

Anyway, everyone read the scriptures because they're medicine for the soul. 

Love always, Sister Samantha Tenney 

To explain the pictures below: 

1. A selfie of the week
2. A Brasillian less active that believes in reincarnation and is straight up cray. 
3. My Brasillian Hermana's new cheetah.. Haha 
4&5. Sister Shiobara has acne problems and made me put on her face mask with her. It didn't do anything for me and I hated it. But comp unity eh? 

So much love coming your way. 8/17/15

Hey everybody! 

This week was good. Super hot, super long, and super refining. 

Sister Shiobara and I are doing great. We have spent a lot of time in the past couple of weeks trying to find people to teach. We got a couple new investigators not due to our finding efforts. But I'm really happy and grateful about that. I do not want to leave Richmond Hill with no people for the next missionaries to teach.

I'm not really sure what to write about.. But if you're wondering how I'm doing, I'm doing pretty good! People keep telling me to not get trunky, but I still feel like I have a long time left on my mission. We only have two more weeks left of this transfer so we aren't wasting any time. 

I've seen a lot of change happen in Richmond Hill over the past seven months. Change is hard, but I can see the Lord's hand in it all. 

I'm grateful for my testimony of the Savior. He is the one in charge of this work. I feel really blessed to be a small part in it. 

I love you all. Have a great week, 

🍁Sister Samantha Tenney 


Whaddup homies. 8/10/15


We are already half way through the transfer! That's crazy. I don't think my mission has ever gone by so fast. Sister Shiobara and I are doing well and still working hard. She's a very interesting person.

This last week we were able to attend a mega-zone conference in Rego Park. It was really good. We participated in a few workshops by the APs, and President & Sister Reynolds. I learned a lot- but something that stuck out to me was in Sister Reynolds workshop. She said how the gospel helps people fulfill their innermost desires. I spent a couple of days trying to think of what my innermost desires are haha. I think to raise a family that can last forever in God's presence. That'd be cool. And it's true, the gospel helps people do that!

At the end of all of the workshops they had the 'departing missionaries' share their testimonies. It was really weird that I was in that group! I was a little freaked out and I can't even remember what I said. But I'm sure it was good..

The Richmond Hill branch isn't thriving.. But it is surviving. The new branch president inherited a lot and is trying to wade his way through it. So, missionary work isn't high on the priority list of the Presidency or members.

As a district we are doing all we can to help the branch. I feel like there is a fine line between supporting members in their callings, and enabling them/doing their callings for them. Our district leader disagrees with me. But, I didn't come on a mission to be a visiting teacher- so I'm going to continue to focus on achieving our key indicators. That may be hard to understand in Utah, but in a branch where only 40ish people come to church on a weekly basis-it's a

Nevertheless, I do love the branch and members here and I'm willing to help them out. I know part of our responsibility is to help build and strengthen the church wherever we serve. But we can't just take over the members role and not find, teach, and baptize people.

Speaking of baptism, we haven't been able to visit with Shabana lately. She had a family member pass away- but we have an appointment set with her this week. So please keep her in your prayers. I'm excited to see her because we got a copy of The Book of Mormon in Urdu. :)

Everything is going great. I'm excited to see what's in store for the next three weeks.

Love, Sister Tenney

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Hey everyone,  

I don't know if this is good or not, but I'm going to be completely honest with you. This week has been rough. I was having a hard time understanding why I was still in his area, and what God's purpose is for me to be serving here with Sister Shiobara. 

On Friday we met with Shabana Sahir again. She is amazing! We taught her about the plan of salvation. Shabana is literally one of the most humble people I have ever met. She is trying to follow Jesus Christ and do what Heavenly Father wants her to do. We invited her to be baptized on August 30th and she is now preparing herself for that. It's only 2 days before the next transfer starts, so we're working really closely with her to make sure that she's prepared.  I know if I weren't here, some other missionary would have called her, and taught her.. But I'm grateful that I got to be a part of bringing Shabana to the fold of God. 

I don't think Shabana is necessarily the reason I am serving here in Richmond Hill. But I do know that God's plan for my mission (and life) is much greater than anything I could come up with on my own. So, I'm going to continue to trust in Him and go with it. 

This point in my mission feels similar to the third quarter in a water polo game. You know? When you're super tired but you can go from losing to winning in 7 minutes, and your adrenaline gets going. 

So yes, I'm super tired. But I am really excited to be here in NYC preaching the gospel to people. I love my mission and as much as I wouldn't want to live in NY.. I have grown to love this place. 

I love being a missionary. I love the Gospel. I love Popsicles. 

- Sammy 

🍁Sister Samantha Tenney 
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Monday, November 2, 2015

Week one in. Transfer Ten. 7/2715

Hey everyone! Well, all my favorite people are officially in Utah! Wahoo! Welcome home Sister Snow. I hope all of you had a great Pioneer Day.

Speaking of Pioneers- My love and appreciation for them grows stronger and stronger everyday that I tract in humid, hot weather. I'm grateful I was born when I was. 

My new companion's name is Sister Shiobara. She's only been out on her mission for two transfers- so she just got finished with training. She is Chinese, but raised in Japan, and came out on her mission from San Diego. She's super cute and loves to work hard and be obedient. We get along pretty good- so I can't complain. Haha she is super Asian, and I still stand by my statement that I would never want to serve a mission in Asia! 
We won't be together for too long though because on Friday President Reynolds called us and extended a call to her to serve in Bermuda. She flys out in October and isn't allowed to tell anyone- I'm not sure why, maybe to help her stay focused or something- but when missionaries get called to Bermuda it is this big secret from the rest of the mission. She's lucky though because she's going to completely avoid New York's winter. Bless the souls who will be here. P.S. Thanksgiving is in four months, see you then. 😉

The day Sister Shiobara and I became companions we received a referral from a woman named Shabana asking for a copy of the Book of Mormon. We called her and set up an appointment to meet her at the church on Friday. Shabana is from Pakistan and she's only been in the country for about a year- so there's a bit of a language barrier. Her native tongue is Urdu. But the lesson we had with her was so powerful! We testified of the restoration of the gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith, and I know she felt the spirit. She even came to church yesterday for the entire three hours and we are meeting with her again this Friday. Please keep her in your prayers, especially to understand what we say and teach. Her full name is Shabana Sahir. :) 

Yesterday morning I was reading in Alma Chapter 24 when the Anti-Nephi-Lehies are attacked by the Lamanites, Amulonites, and Amalekites. They came up against them but the Anti-Nephi-Lehies wouldn't take up arms to defend themselves nor run away. More than a thousand were slain- but because they wouldn't fight back, the Lamanites realized what they had done, killing innocent people, and started to worship God as well, being converted to the Lord. 

28 Now the greatest number of those of the Lamanites who slew so many of their brethren were Amalekites and Amulonites, the greatest number of whom were after the order of the Nehors.

29 Now, among those who joined the people of the Lord, there were none who were Amalekites or Amulonites, or who were of the order of Nehor, but they were actual descendants of Laman and Lemuel.

30 And thus we can plainly discern, that after a people have been once enlightened by the Spirit of God, and have had great knowledge of things pertaining to righteousness, and then have fallen away into sin and transgression, they become more hardened, and thus their state becomes worse than though they had never known these things.

The Amulonites and Amalekites were "less active" haha. (More like apostate.. But there's not much difference) I've seen members of the church who have gone on missions, been endowed, sealed in the temple, had callings such as a bishop, stake president, etc.. Fall away from the church and be more 'hard-hearted' than people that aren't members. I've seen it a lot in New York, but I know it happens in Utah as well. I just don't understand at what point you forget, or break the covenants you have made with God. 
I try to understand why/how this happens, honestly I don't really get it. But I do know that it's a gradual thing- once you stop doing the little things it's easier and easier to not do the bigger things in the gospel. So for myself, I'm going to continue to do the little things for the rest of my life- like reading my scriptures, praying, going to church, smiling.. And I know all the big things will take care of themselves. 

Time is flying by and I want to make the most of it. Seriously, I have a huge sense of urgency to bring forth the restored gospel to all of Richmond Hill. I probably only have five more weeks here- so I'm talking to everyone who will hear me. 

I love you all. Keep on keepin' on. Hym #152 😉

Love, Sister Samantha Tenney aka Sammy ❤

Here's some quick pictures for you all: 
1. My Sister Missionary tan line. Haha, over the past few days it's gotten drastically worse. 
2-4. Sister Shiobara and I's selfies we took for you all yesterday. 
5. Hahahaha it explains itself. 
6-7. Sister Snow and I's farewell pictures. 
8. All my Sisters. 
9. OH ya! In the hood kids don't have anywhere to go to play in the sprinklers, or pool or whatever so they just crack open fire hydrants and play in them. Haha it's the craziest thing ever because the streets are so dirty- but the people love it when it's hot out. 

There she goes.. There she goes again..7/20/15

Um Hi, 

This week was good so I'll just jump right into it. 

On Tuesday I spent the day in Jamaica because Sister Snow went to the temple for her departing temple trip. She saw Daniel Steiner there, he came out of the temple and asked all of the missionaries if they new me.. Haha funny! It is crazy how close we are in distance but it is a completely different world in separate missions. Anyway, it wasn't a very eventful day in Jamaica, the sisters cleaned their apartment, I could've been more Christlike and helped out.. But I have my own apartment to clean so I took a nap.. Haha. Then we had to go to their district meeting and on the way there we got caught in this crazy down pour/flash flood. I curled my hair that morning, so I had to borrow a plastic grocery sac from an elder and I just put it on my head and ran so fast to the church. Hahaha, people in Jamaica are even crazier than that, so they didn't even notice.. But Sister Lobo and Cox were dying laughing. They're both like 4.9 ft tall and were pretty far behind me. But we all made it safely inside. 

On Wednesday we had to travel to Rego Park again for Sister Snow's Departing Interview with President Reynolds. She told me all about it, which was kind of fun for me. Haha I think it's funny to hear the advice President gives departing missionaries. Basically stay faithful, get and education, and get married. I plan on doing all of those things, so I think I'm on the right track. 

On Thursday we got to go to the temple with Sister La Rosa! It was great because 1. We got to get a ride in her car. 2. The Spirit is there. And 3. She fed us afterward. It really was one of the best sessions I've been to in the temple. I was so excited to see her in the celestial room. She's worked really hard to get to this point in her life and I've loved being a part of it. 
Something else that was crazy is that I was just sitting in the chapel, and Daniel Steiner walked in! Haha. I was so excited to see him. He was there for his departing temple trip, and it just happened to be the same session we were going through. I was happy he recognized me because that means I haven't gotten drastically uglier since two years ago.. Haha even with brown hair. He definitely looks a little older. I told him to tell you all hi. He wanted me to wait outside after so we could take a picture, but they were taking too long and we had to leave. 
I was happy to see a familiar face, so it's going to be even better when I see all of you! 

On Friday I wanted to kill the Spanish Sisters. Haha.... Just kidding, but not really.. 
They called us the day before and asked us if we would help them with a service project in a potential investigator's front yard. So, we made time and said we would. We got there and they were wearing service clothes- but they weren't wearing full length pants.. They decided to leave us and go home and change and come back. Haha, so Sister Snow and I just went to work on this front lawn and basically mowed down all the weeds and stuff. They got back and we had done all the work- meanwhile this "potential" was just inside the whole time and then went to the store.. I am grateful to do service for people, I love helping out when I can.. But I hate wasting time. Haha we basically did what they could've done.. Then had to leave so we could make it to our next appointment. And they sat and ate pizza with some elders that showed up as we were finishing. -_- sorry, that was a long rant about something dumb.  Service is good! Everyone serve your neighbor. But don't delegate it to others. 

Sunday Funday! Sister Snow's last Sunday in Richmond Hill and she gave an awesome talk on enduring to the end. I loved it, and I love her.. So you should all hit her up on Wednesday when she comes to Utah. Her homecoming is this Sunday and she is excited to meet all of my people. I have no idea who my new companion will be, but I'm sure they'll be great. I'll get her tomorrow, and I'll make sure to send you a picture next week. I hope she's hygienic. 👍🏻

Transfers. Welllp, I'm leading out this promised land once again. Haha, I guess I haven't learned what I'm supposed to learn in the past six months, so God is giving me another six weeks. But to be honest with you, it doesn't matter much to me where I'm serving.. So I'm just grateful and happy I don't have to pack my stuff up. 😊 
 I love you all, soon all my favorite people will be in the same state. 
Enjoy it. 
Cause the humidity here is cray. 

Love always, your home girl, 

Sister Samantha Tenney 

Here's some pictures: 
1. Sister Cox creeping on my nap. 
2. Sister Lobo and Cox tryna bombard my selfie, sister Lobo is from India and is like 27 and sister Cox and I came in together, she's from Utah. 
3. Me and These little kids from Jamaica. The live by Renae and just walk into her lessons all the time. 
4. Sister Eckert, La Rosa, Snow, and Tenney 
5. Me and Kenia Nunez. She lives in our branch and works at the temple, I love her. 
6. Snow and I at the temple. 
7. Dellfina and I. 
8. Me, Madiha, and Fathi my Moroccan friends. We went and said bye to then yesterday. 
9. White girl Sammy.  

Say hi to derek for me! 7/13/15

Hello everyone! This week was packed full of great things; here are a few: 

🔹7/7/15 TUESDAY Deandra and Nadira: 

On Tuesday we taught the Restoration a few times. I felt like I was in the MTC, but I loved it. Deandra is a woman from Jamaica that we taught for the first time. She's amazing and she basically bore her testimony on prophets. We received permission to go out of our area to her home, but unfortunately we have to pass her off to the Bushwick Sisters. It is okay though because she lives in Brownsville, which to me is one of the scariest places in NYC. 

Another woman we taught on Tuesday is Nadira. She is a single mom of five kids. She's from Guyana and super humble. Also, she's a little bit in love with me.. Haha. Everytime I see her she just tells me how much she loves my hair, or my skirt, or my shirt.. Etc. it kind of creeps me out, but she has five kids! She can't have a crush on me, right? 

🔹7/8/15 WEDNESDAY Interviews with President Reynolds & Senney's year mark.  

Wednesday the 8th was Sister Snow and I's year mark of being companions together! I can't even begin to tell you how much I love her. She's changed my life and my mission. She flys home on the 22nd of July, but we will be reunited at the airport in four months. Haha that'll be a great reunion. 

We also had interviews with our new President, President Gary Reynolds. He asked me some pretty basic questions about my life, family, and mission. Then we just talked about how I was doing and what I plan on doing/who I plan on marrying after the mission the whole time. It was weird, but good. Haha President Reynold's is SUPER nice. I love him. He's a lot different than President Calderwood, but just as great. 

🔹7/10/15 FRIDAY Blessing Deborah Perez's house and Sister La Rosa

Friday morning we ended up going to Deborah's house with the Elders in our district. She has had some very real, scary experiences with the adversary. So the Elders exercised the Priesthood in which they hold and blessed her home. 

Friday night we went and saw Sister La Rosa. She returned back to activity this year and we are SO excited because on Thursday we are taking her to the temple for the first time. She is receiving her own endowment and she's very prepared. I love when people make covenants with the Lord. It's also a tender mercy for me to be in the temple while Derek flys home to Utah. 
There are going to be a lot of great things happening on Thursday! 

🔹7/11/15 SATURDAY Ariel Dixon, our trip to Lynbrook, and Free Slurpee day! 

Well happy 7/11 day! Mostly to Dawn, I know she shares my love of Slurpees. 😊 (random, but I want a Slurpee machine at my wedding reception). Sister Snow and I of course got free Slurpees, it was delicious. 
Later in the day we ended up going to Long Island (with permission). We went with a recent convert of ours, Ariel Dixon. She just moved down there so we introduced her to the sisters and gave her a church tour. Their chapel is so nice and about 3x's the size of ours. I think I'm going to go into shock the next time I'm inside of a Utah church. Buildings in NY are interesting, but I love them. Kind of like the people. 

🔹7/12/15 SUNDAY Our Branch just did a 180. 

Sunday was crazy. We got a new Branch President out of the blue.. I can't go into much detail but there is some devastation in the branch and it's really struggling right now. The saints here in NYC have it really hard. But I have faith everything will work out. 

🔹7/13/15 MONDAY Nancy Yakobiszin. She's coming to Queens 👑

Well, today is going to be good! I'll have to send a picture later but we are meeting Nancy, our investigator from Riverhead, in Queens. She's taking us to lunch and it's going to be a really good time! I miss Riverhead a lot, but I'm not sure if I'd like to serve there again. 

That's all folks, hug Derek for me, 

Love Sister Tenney 

Here's some random pictures of the week, there's not many pretty things in my area to take pictures of. So I just take pictures of myself. 

1. The temple I'm going to get married in. 
2. Sister Snow wants to be a paparazzi when she grows up, so she practices.  
3. Best companion ever.
4. Egyptian. 
5. Literally 2 minutes ago. Waiting for the bus. 

Through the good and the bad. 7/6/15

Hello everyone! 

Sister Snow and I had a pretty good week in Richmond Hill, Queens. 

First of all, my voice is back and the cough is gone. Hallelujah! You never really appreciate being healthy until you're sick. 

On July 2nd we had a mission-wide conference to welcome our new mission president and his wife President and Sister Reynolds. They are both shorter than me. But, I love em'. They're from Salt Lake City, Utah and have three children. President Reynolds is in the construction business and has done A LOT of major projects in Utah. Including: the Provo tabernacle reconstruction into the second Provo temple, the U's football stadium, temples, even city creek mall. So we saw a bunch of pictures of that. He loves it, I don't plan on going into the construction industry though. 

The conference was a lot more casual than other meetings I've been to while on my mission. President Reynolds left time for missionaries to ask them questions. None of the questions were very good but I did like something President Reynolds said. A missionary asked what he expected of us and his response was, "What do I expect of you? Your contract is with the Lord." Amen. I'm grateful to have my mission president's trust. I am most concerned about gaining God's trust. 

On the third of July Sister Snow and I exchanged with our Sister Training Leaders. Sister Placheta who came out with me, and goes home with me, came to Richmond Hill for the day. It was a good exchange. She says really really really long, thorough prayers. Which is good. I've been working hard on improving my prayers and something I've learned is it is not how much you say, it's more about just how and why you say it. It's really important to follow the spirit's direction as you pray. As I've learned to do that, I've been truly able to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for prayer. I'm grateful that God allows us to, at any time, anywhere, communicate with him openly and freely. 

I am also grateful to be in a country where we are free to pray, believe, and worship how we choose! #godblessamerica Happy Fourth of July! 

Our Fourth of July was great. Sister Snow and I were reunited and went out tracting/finding people pretty much all day long. We ate dinner at the spanish sister's house. They made hamburgers and watermelon. We brought salad and corn on the cob. The only thing that I actually liked was the corn. Haha I miss my mom's food! 
When we got home we looked out our deck and could see so many fireworks. We went up to the roof of our apartment building and could see all of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. It was one of the coolest things ever. So many fireworks were going off at one time all over the place. I tried to take video- but it doesn't do it justice because you can't really see the Empire State Building or the bridges. It was the best firework show I've ever seen.. But New York doesn't know what it's like to lay on a field and watch them right above you. 

It seems like nobody here is from America, but New York loves to celebrate! I woke up at 3:30 am to use the washroom and fireworks were still going off! Haha crazy. 

Yesterday (Sunday the 5th of July) was fast and testimony meeting. I loved it. 
Deborah Perez got up and bore the most sincere, humble, powerful testimony. She's amazing and I'm really grateful I have been able to be a part in her conversion. But even if I weren't here, I know there would've been some other missionary. She was prepared by God to receive the Restored Gospel and is now working to obtain her Patriarchal blessing. 

After church we had lunch with a lady named Sister Cherry and our branch mission leader. That was very interesting.. My eating habits have changed a lot, but there are still some things that I just can't eat. 

After Sister Cherry's we tracted/found people in her area, East New York. I don't necessarily like the area, but I do love the people! They're so humble and teachable. It makes me wonder what it would be like to serve in South America, or Africa. But after my mission, I'd be okay if I never had to go into another project building, ever. 

A funny/cool story: yesterday I was sitting on the bus next to this man, he started laughing because there was a huge fight going on in the bus. A woman's son was sitting on a camp chair in the middle on the isle making it almost impossible for anyone to get by.. And it was super crowded. Haha these women were screaming at each other and it was a big dramatic scene. 
Me and the man started talking about how you wouldn't see this anywhere else besides Brooklyn. He told me that he is from Nigeria and moved his family here to give his children a chance to gain an education. I talked to him about how everything starts in the home and that "no other success can compensate for failure in the home”- David O. McKay
He was awesome! I could just tell he was a good man who was trying his best to raise his family in righteousness. Anyway, I had to quickly get off the bus because we got to our stop, but I hope he meets with the missionaries. He lives right outside of our area's boundaries. Bummer. 

Anyway, I know that's true. I'm grateful that I came on a mission because I know I'm going to be a much better mom than if I hadn't. My mom and sisters didn't need the refinement of a mission- but I definitely did. I've gained a lot of patience, humility, charity, knowledge, and love of God that I know I will need to raise my children some day.  

Some days are harder than others, but I'm making the most of every single one of them. And “On particularly rough days when I’m sure I can’t possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far is one hundred percent and that’s pretty good.” 

I'm trying my best and I haven't regretted the decision to come on a mission yet, so.. It's going good. Haha :) There are a lot of changes happening in the month of July. Change is scary to me but there's no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone. I'm a little bit uncomfortable, but good news is that I'm growing a lot! 

"We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude” (President Thomas S. Monson).

Sorry this is long, but RIP President Boyd K. Packer. He was a stud. 

Also, I just heard that Sister Cook passed away today. I'm crying this as I'm typing. She was such an amazing lady and always so sweet to me. The Cooks hold a special place in my heart and I'm so sad I won't be seeing her in November. Tell Brother Cook I love him and give him a hug for me. They're the best and I'm so grateful that I've got to know them over the past decade. She also made the best cookies around. She'll be missed. 

Love always, Sister Samantha Tenney 

Here's some pictures: 

1. my leg.. What bit me? Haha I'm not sure if it was a spider, a tic, or what ever else bug in the projects.. But this picture is better than what it looks like now. It doesn't itch.. Just hurts. That's a giant bruise all around the bit. Gross, I know. 
2. This door that loved America. It was just funny because everyone else in the building was Russian. 
3. The Alabama stop on the j train
4. One of my favorite pics of Jesus 
