Happy April 6th! Incase you weren't aware: "On the 6th of April, 1830, the ‘Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ was first organized in the town of Fayette, Seneca county, state of New York". So today's the best day of the year in my opinion, Jesus' birthday, the organization of His church, and Doug Jennings' birthday as well, oh! and we went to Costco today! Can't get much better.
This week was great! We had a lot going on.
We helped two different families move out of their apartments.. Haha I remember Derek's family telling me something about a missionary in New York that spent most of their time helping people move? Well, that is accurate. People move in and out of New York all of the time. It's not the easiest to help our branch grow.. But I do feel like I am literally gathering Israel!
We also had a few other pretty nasty service opportunities.. Let's just say I'm well familiar with cockroaches, and rat poop. That's just a part of New York life. I don't know how many times I've had to flick a cockroach off of myself, or iPad during lessons.. But it's more than 7.. Gross eh? I love NYC❤️
On Thursday I had an interview with President Calderwood. (Our last interview before he goes home in July) and we talked about a lot. My family, Derek, my mission.. But mostly about making decisions. The decision I have to make this week is when I will be flying out of New York to the promised land of Utah. My 18th month mark is December 25th, 2015- I can leave within a 30 day range before, or after that date. The transfers land on January 4th and November 25th. So it is completely up to me as to when I go home... I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but I'm working it out with the Lord. #westwardho!
Conference this weekend was awesome. Haha wow.. Saturday was all about marriage.. That was awkward for all the missionaries.
Nobody had us over for Easter and no one really wanted to be visited during their "family time"- so it was probably my least favorite day of the mission thus far. Besides from conference! Which I enjoyed, I'm glad they didn't shove marriage down our throats during the Sunday sessions. I loved all the talks and I'm really grateful for a modern day prophet and apostles. But mostly I'm grateful for Jesus Christ, and that he lives.
Well, that's about all I got..
Deborah is getting interviewed for baptism next weekend! That's so awesome... And yep.
That's it.. Oh ya shout out to Derek's two grandmas Carolyn and Jennings! They both made my Easter a little bit better because I got cute Easter cards from them today, thank you so much! It means a lot.
Love, Sister Tenney