All week I've just been writing a list of what I wanted to tell you all about. So, sorry that this email is going to be all over the place.
- My branch President, President Mosher, reminds me of the butler off of Haunter Mansion. If you've never seen it or don't know what I am talking about do yourself a favor and google it asap.
- On Tuesday's devotional some Stephen Allen (one of the 70s) spoke and that was actually really really good.
- We also watched Elder Bednar's "Character of Christ" talk and you all should look that up, it will change your life.
-I die laughing all of the time when I hear "sister Tenney, 4 square" because it's all of my gym time hommies yelling at me. Hahah
-I have been learning hello in all of these different languages and just saying it around campus and everyone thinks I am going to Japan, Tiwan, Mexico, Finland, Australia, and it's actually really funny. I know it sounds dumb, but there's not a lot to do here so you've got to laugh. Speaking of, mom will you send me a yoyo?
- OH my blisters... oh my heck.. my blisters. . I am on like constant watch my my President and his counselors because if they get infected they won't let me go to NY on Monday. . sucky. But I get to wear flip flops so there's a bright side to all.
-We have been teaching this 19 year old girl from China. She just moved here to attend BYU and she is basically getting baptized. SO HOlla..
- Hahahaha on Sunday I was in choir practice and a BAT was flying around. Everyone was freaking out and animal control came. It was probably the highlight of the day.
- Dad you're going to fall over in your chair because I, Samantha Mona Tenney, ate gravy. Hahaha. My entire zone has "operation make Sammy eat" So every meal they pressure me into eating all the things I hate. Which includes tomatoes, which I also still hate.
- Happy LATE Canada DAYYY!
-And happy 4th of July yesterday! We had 'in-field' orientation all day. But, there was a fourth of July devotional and we were all expecting a really cool speaker... Nope, they played 17 miracles as a movie and after we all went outside and had icecream, and watched the stadium of fire, fireworks until
12 am! How sick is that?! I love the MTC pres. haha.
Okay, sorry I don't have anything really spiritual to say to you all. But, you'll get some inspiration tomorrow at church where you ALL should be.
Much love,
Sister Tenney
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